Impact Family Seeks To Maintain The Ethical Standards of American Christian Counseling Association

Founder and president Jack Hakimian is a member of  The American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), as are other associate counselors on the team.

The American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) is known for its comprehensive standards designed specifically for Christian counseling. These standards are outlined in their Code of Ethics, which aims to guide professionals in integrating their faith with their counseling practices.

Here’s an overview of the critical aspects of these standards:

  1. Ethical Guidelines: The AACC Code of Ethics provides specific guidelines designed to help counselors navigate the complexities of counseling within a Christian framework. This includes maintaining professionalism, respecting client rights, and integrating Christian teachings responsibly.

  2. Competence and Integrity: Counselors must maintain high professional competence and personal integrity levels. This includes ongoing education, training, and a commitment to ethical behavior professionally and personally.

  3. Client Respect and Confidentiality: Respecting clients' dignity, privacy, and confidentiality is paramount. This includes understanding their cultural and individual differences and tailoring approaches to respect these differences from a Christian perspective.

  4. Dual Relationships: The AACC guidelines caution against dual relationships that could impair the counselor’s objectivity and professional judgment. When such relationships are unavoidable, they must be managed with clear boundaries and ethical considerations.

  5. Spiritual and Theological Integration: The AACC standards are distinctive in their emphasis on integrating spiritual and theological concepts with counseling practices. Counselors are encouraged to sensitively incorporate prayer, scripture, and other spiritual resources in therapy, according to the client’s preferences and consent.

  6. Referral and Advocacy: When counselors face issues beyond their competence or when clients need different interventions, making appropriate referrals is crucial. This includes advocating for clients when necessary within the community and professional networks.

  7. Advertising and Public Communication: The standards ensure that all public communications, including advertising, are conducted honestly and respectfully. Claims about qualifications, services, or results must be truthful and not misleading.

These standards aim to foster an environment where Christian values and professional counseling practices enrich each other, ensuring ethical and practical support for clients navigating personal challenges.

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