Our counseling clients and partners mainly book sessions, services, and products on our website, www.impact.vision.
Sometimes, they require custom services and can pay on an invoice for products and services such as retreats, bulk curriculum purchases, bulk coupon codes, and sessions. If needed, you can download our W-9.
Order is not completed and activated until payment has been posted to our account. Terms and conditions apply.
ACH or Wire Details
This payment is only accepted if pre-authorized in writing by Impact Family Staff.
1. SWIFT / BIC Code: CHFGUS44021
2. ABA Routing Number: 091311229
3. Bank Name: Choice Financial Group
4. Bank Address: 4501 23rd Avenue S, Fargo, ND 58104, USA
5. IBAN / Account Number: 202489259629
6. Beneficiary Name: Impact Family Inc.
7.*Beneficiary Address: 8362 Pines Boulevard, #116, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 USA
This payment is only accepted if pre-authorized in writing by Impact Family Staff.
Zelle payments are transferred by the person/company's phone number or email. Impact Family Inc.'s email to send payment is admin@impact.vision
Money Orders / Check
Please send it to our mailbox at 8362 Pines Boulevard, #116, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024, USA
Need Support
If you have any issues, please reply to this email or submit a support ticket through our website or CRM. The website and CRM support forms are the same and will associate with your account if you use the account email.