Why We Do Not Take Insurance

As a Christian faith-based counseling organization, we do not take insurance.

We operate free from moral or theological restrictions placed on therapists by Government licensing and Insurance agencies. 

Most insurance-based therapists require a $40-$60 co-pay per session, and they charge $250 per hour; our total contribution rate for a session starts at $90.00.  

Since we are a faith-based non-profit, you can write off your suggested contribution to us as tax-exempt. Please consult a licensed CPA for more advice.

If you are experiencing economic hardship, please apply for a scholarship. 

All payments are suggested tax-deductible contributions (See Tax Exempt Certificate) and can benefit your tax situation.

Your booking confirmation sent to you after you book via email is a religious 501C3 contribution receipt and should be kept as a record for end-of-the-year tax filings.

If you want to schedule a session, you can start here impact.vision/specialist

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